Success Stories

Buddy's Story
Buddy is a Rhodesian Ridgeback – Shepard mix. He was adopted from a shelter when he was ten months old. It immediately became apparent that Buddy had numerous health issues including anxiety, intestinal problems and bone infections.
As Buddy continued to grow, he started suffering from pain in his hind quarters to the point it was impacting his everyday activities. After a period of time he had difficulty running which then progressed to the point where we could not take Buddy on simple walks. Buddy was diagnosed with a severe case of hip dysplasia in both hips. Due to Buddy’s size and anxiety, there were few options available. At this point, Dr. Chris Dupuis at the Wheatland Animal Hospital recommended Stem Cell Therapy. After a couple months we saw a dramatic improvement in Buddy’s mobility. Buddy’s mobility continued to improve to the point where he was able to go on fairly long walks and his most cherished activity of chasing soccer balls in the yard.

Buster's Story
Meet Buster! Buster is a 5-year-old farm dog from northern Wisconsin (Palmquist Farm). Over the years on the farm, Buster has torn both of his cruciate ligaments in his knees. Our technician Lexie noticed Buster limping on one of her visits to see family in Wisconsin and inquired about what was going on. There weren’t a lot of opportunities where Buster lives to not only surgically repair his knees but also rehab him afterwards so that he could go back to his job as a farm dog. Lexie jumped into action and quickly formed a plan to transport Buster to WAH, where our staff fixed the torn cruciate ligament in his right knee and also began rehab immediately.
Buster did AMAZING during surgery. We started with a gentle massage and icing a couple hours post-op.
Four days post-op and we added laser therapy into his rehab regimen. Buster's knee had some swelling and bruising but that is normal after an orthopedic surgery.
Two weeks post-op and Buster started the underwater treadmill! He impressed us with his progress every day. We knew he missed his farm pals very much.
After a month at Wheatland, it was Buster's final day with us. Buster became part of the Wheatland family and we're ecstatic that he completed therapy. We're so happy Buster was a fan of Wheatland and our rehabilitation program. We miss you, Buster!

Buster's Story

Riley's Story
In 2014, Adam Parise brought his dog Riley to Wheatland Animal Hospital thinking she did not have many days left.
Here’s what Adam has to say about his experience with Wheatland:
“Riley came in with two torn ACLs and was overweight at 40+ lbs. After working with Dr. Faith, she dropped to 27 lbs, her recommended weight. We met with Dr. Faith, who is absolutely amazing. Riley lasted another 7 years after coming.
Unfortunately, we lost her on February 13th of this year, due to many medical issues at 14 years old. But when we came to you in 2014, we thought she was gone. She is loved and will be missed, but lived such a good life because of Wheatland Animal Hospital. I can go on and on how great you guys are.”
We are so happy Riley was able to live a long and happy life. Thank you so much for sharing, Adam.

Wrigley's Story
In 2018, Wrigley Nota had his leg amputated due to bone cancer. He was brought into Wheatland Animal Hospital where Dr. Chris assessed his limp and detected the cancer.
Wrigley is a 13-year-old, mixed breed rescue and has been a patient of WAH since 2011. The second photo shows the day of his leg amputation (8/24/18) and one year later (8/24/19).
“Dr. Chris and the Wheatland staff took such amazing care of him during that time, and you all continue to! He’s thriving 2 1/2 years after surgery and chemo!” -Dayna, Wrigley’s Mom.
Thank you for sharing Wrigley’s story, Dayna. We’re so happy Wrigley is happy and healthy.