In your search for a veterinary clinic, we believe you should expect high quality care as well as great service. While at Wheatland Animal Hospital, here is what you can expect.
Regular checkups will enable your veterinarian to identify problems during the earliest stages, potentially allowing them to be addressed simply and cost effectively. A preventative care exam is the best way to keep your pet as healthy as possible - because it’s much easier to prevent disease than to treat it.

The key to good health is disease prevention! We will discuss an infectious disease control plan and recommend important vaccinations based on his/her lifestyle to keep your pet protected.

We thoroughly examine the following areas to ensure your pet’s optimal health:
Eyes, Ears, Nose and Mouth
Heart, Lungs and Lymph Nodes
Musculoskeletal and Nervous System
Abdominal Palpitation

Here is what you can expect from us:
A high degree of professional skill and ability.
Dedication to your pet's health care.
Including you in the decision making process, as we have a sincere interest in helping you decide what's best for your pet.
A commitment to help you understand underlying causes for medical problems, in order to help you learn how to prevent problems.
The most comfortable environment for your pet, from waiting room to exam room to hospitilizations.
Every effort to stay on time, as we know your time is valuable
Fair and reasonable pricing, explained. We are not going to be the cheapest vet and we aren't going to be the most expensive. We will always help you understand and anticipate the costs of what we propose.

In return, here is what we ask from our clients:
Cooperation in making and keeping appointments, with an attempt to give us 24 hours notice for cancellations.
A willingness to schedule requested rechecks. A great majority of our treatment failures, and larger expenses, are avoidable through easy and inexpensive medical progress exams.
A willingness to relay all pertinent information to us. Specifically, we are not here to judge, nor are we required to report anything (such as medication/drug ingestion) that wasn't intended to harm your pet.
To let us know directly if you have concerns or are unhappy with a service. We are much more effective at satisfying clients if questions or concerns are addressed to us immediately.

Screenings and Misc.
Blood Testing and Urinalysis
We recommend this annually for pets over 7 years of age and this includes a blood chemistry panel, complete blood count, heart worm test, and urinalysis.
Intestinal Parasites
We perform this annually to screen stool for disease causing parasites that can be passed to humans.
Parasite Prevention Plan
We recommend all pets are protected from heartworms, intestinal worms, and fleas year round. We also recommend tick prevention for many dogs based on their exposures.
Diet Plan
We will discuss proper diet and nutritional needs to ensure your pet’s health and longevity.

In both our medical and behavioral services, we adhere to evidence-based treatments. We make sure to allocate plenty of time for all of your questions, and for our nurses to thoroughly explain our recommendations and treatments. We promise to always keep your pet's comfort in mind and to always consider their fears and anxieties in our approach.
We can’t wait to see your pets and we look forward to being an advocate for your pet’s health to ensure a long and happy life!